Forex Patterns and Probabilities explains the trading strategies for
trending and range-bound markets, one of which Forex is, according
to the author of this Forex book, Ed Ponsi. The book starts of with the
basic explanations of what the Forex market is, its unique features and
its similarities with the other financial markets. The main two parts
of this book explain how to trade successfully on the trending Forex
market and during the nontrending periods on the market. The final part
can be considered the most interesting one (especially if you are
already fluent in Forex technical analysis and other must-learn
entities of the trading); it share Ponsi’s little secrets of the
professional trading and teaches on how to behave in the various
extraordinary situations that can happen to a Forex trader. This Forex
book also features a glossary of the currency trading terms, but
it’s so small that it doesn’t carry any special interest in it.